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Annie Wells resigns from Shadow Cabinet for health reasons

Annie Wells MSP has resigned from the Scottish Conservative Shadow Cabinet for personal health reasons.

Dr Sandesh Gulhane MSP has been appointed the new Scottish Conservative Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care.

Sue Webber MSP will become Shadow Minister for Public Health, Women’s Health and Sport, in addition to her role as Shadow Minister for Drug Policy.

Annie Wells will continue as an MSP for Glasgow. While she will be taking a step back from frontline politics, she will still be attending the Scottish Parliament on a consistent basis.

Scottish Conservative Leader Douglas Ross said: “I’d like to thank Annie Wells for the huge amount of effort she has put in since I became leader and for all the tremendous work that she continues to do for the party.

“I wish her a speedy recovery and look forward to welcoming her back to frontline politics very soon.

“While I’m disappointed to see Annie go, I am delighted to appoint Dr Sandesh Gulhane as our new Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, and Sue Webber as our new Public Health, Women’s Health and Sport Shadow Minister.

“Scotland’s NHS is in crisis and that’s why it’s so important that we build Scotland’s real alternative to this failing government, with frontline experts like Dr Gulhane.”

Scottish Conservative Shadow Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care, Dr Sandesh Gulhane MSP, said: “It’s a huge honour to be promoted to the Shadow Cabinet and I can’t wait to get started.

“I look forward to working with parties across the Scottish Parliament to recognise and tackle the crisis in our NHS and to improve access to healthcare for patients across Scotland.

“My top priorities will be pushing the SNP to finally set up a network of long Covid clinics to ease the pressure on other frontline services, and to get the government to focus on tackling lengthy treatment waiting times, which will alleviate the strain throughout Scotland’s NHS.”