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Fixing rural trunk roads is one of Scottish Conservatives’ top five manifesto priorities

Upgrading Scotland’s rural trunk road network is one of the key pledges in the Scottish Conservative manifesto, which will be published on Monday.

Improvements to key routes – including the A9, A96, A90, A75, A83 and A1 – will be listed as one of five “top priorities for Scotland” in the party document.

The SNP originally pledged to fully dual the Perth-Inverness section of the A9 – Scotland’s most dangerous road – by 2025. But last year ministers admitted it wouldn’t be completed until at least 2035, while the SNP manifesto, published earlier this week, did not include a timeline for fixing it.

It also included no deadline for improvements to the A96.

Scottish Conservative leader Douglas Ross said: “Campaigning to fix these essential roads will be one of the central pledges of the Scottish Conservative manifesto.

“We know how important these roads are to communities in rural Scotland, so pushing for improvements to them will be one of the top five priorities of Scottish Conservative MPs elected on July 4.

“The SNP have badly let down local people by breaking promise after promise to fix these dangerous roads – including Scotland’s most deadly road: the A9. 

“This General Election in Scotland is an opportunity to get all of the focus onto the issues that really matter, such as fixing the roads.

“In key seats up and down Scotland, the only way to do that is by voting Scottish Conservative to stop the election of an SNP MP who would only obsess about independence.”