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SNP must ‘end decade of division and finally let Scotland heal’

The SNP have been urged to drop their independence obsession to “end a decade of division and finally let Scotland heal”.

The Scottish Conservatives have issued the appeal ahead of the 10th anniversary of the independence referendum tomorrow (Wednesday).

Party chairman Craig Hoy says the Scottish public clearly rejected the SNP’s call to break up the UK in 2014, and did so again at this year’s general election, when John Swinney made it page one, line one of his party’s manifesto and duly suffered a crushing defeat. 


Scottish Conservative chairman Craig Hoy said: “On the 10th anniversary of the independence referendum, it’s time for the SNP to end a decade of division and finally let Scotland heal. 

“The nationalists insisted before the poll in 2014 that it was to be a once-in-a-lifetime vote on Scotland’s future – and yet they have spent every day since agitating for another one.

“Scotland has been stuck in a state of paralysis for 10 years precisely because the SNP have refused to accept the result. They have failed to move on and focus on the day job. 

“It is little wonder Scotland’s public services are on their knees, drug and alcohol deaths are at record levels and our economy is toiling under high taxes when the party in charge have been fixated on breaking up the UK.

“The SNP put their independence obsession front and centre of their general election campaign in July – and the public delivered a damning verdict.

“It’s time to say, ‘enough is enough’. John Swinney should mark this anniversary by acknowledging the will of the Scottish people and finally shelving his crusade for separation.”