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Join us

This is an exciting and challenging time in Scottish and British politics. We have the opportunity to develop a positive, forward-looking agenda that helps meet the big challenges our country faces, and helps make our country a better place to live. You can play your part by joining the

Fife Conservative & Unionist Association.


We will be a voice for the Union, for change, optimism and hope. As an integral part of the Scottish Conservative Party, our Association will represent everyone in Fife and play our part from the Fife Council to the National Government level.

By joining us, you will simultaneously join 3 organisations:

  •  The UK Conservative Party
  •  The Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party
  •  The Fife Conservative and Unionist Association


You will be entitled to take part in discussions about local issues and national policy; to select candidates for seats in Fife and throughout Scotland; to shape the direction of the party; and to be part of an exciting new era. And if you would like to help during local or national campaigns, then please click on the “WANT TO HELP” button at the top of this page for more information.

The suggested annual subscription is £25.00, Armed Forces - £15.00, Under 26 - £5.00. You may wish to give more than this if you choose. Our members subscription fees are what keeps us as an active part of the Conservative Party. We are a self funding Association and rely on the support of our members' fees and donations.



Single donation

You can make a one-off donation by clicking the link on the right under "Donations & Subscriptions". Your donation can be by Paypal or credit card.

Recurring subscription

To make a recurring subscription please click the link on the right under "Donations & Subscriptions" and select whether you wish your payment to be taken weekly, monthly or annually. You can pay using PayPal or credit card. When we have received your subscription we will get in touch to welcome you and you will be added to our mailing list for meetings, events, conferences etc.

Standing Order

 A Standing Order can be set up, if you wish, for subsequent payments once you have joined. When we have received your subscription we will get in touch to welcome you and you will be added to our mailing list for meetings, events, conferences etc.

If you wish to pay by Standing Order please click here for a Standing Order Form


Data Protection Information

By joining the Party, you are agreeing to receive communications and information from the Fife Conservative and Unionist Association and the Scottish Conservative Party. We will not pass your personal details to third-parties without your explicit consent.

Please note: under the Data Protection Act 1998, providing your details via this page acknowledges that you consent to the information being held on the Scottish Conservative database. We will only use this information for our own purposes.