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Revealed: More spent on prisoner meals than those of NHS patients

The Scottish Conservatives have criticised the SNP as new information showed that more is being spent on meals for many prisoners in jail than for NHS patients in hospital.


Scottish Conservative deputy leader Rachael Hamilton said it was “outrageous that many prisoners seemed to be better fed than some hospital patients.”


Meals at every Scottish prison, including HMP Barlinnie, cost more than at NHS Ayrshire & Arran and NHS Highland.

Under the SNP, Scotland is paying far more to feed prisoners than the equivalent spending in England and Wales.


The average cost per day for meals in Scotland is £4.27 compared to approximately £2.70 in England and Wales.


Scottish Conservative deputy leader Rachael Hamilton MSP said: “It is completely outrageous that many prisoners in Scotland seem to be better fed than some hospital patients.


“Scots will be wondering why more money is being spent per prisoner here compared to what is being spent in England and Wales.


“Complaints about the food served up in Scotland’s hospitals is sadly all too common so it is appalling that prisoners seem to be getting better treatment.


“It is common sense that more should be spent serving up healthy and nutritional dishes to poorly patients. The public and victims of crime will rightly question why criminals behind bars receive better quality meals than patients stuck in Scotland's hospitals. 


“SNP ministers should urgently look into this spending disparity and ensure patients are prioritised over prisoners.”




Prisoners in four Scottish prisons meals are more expensive than patients in the equivalent NHS health boards. Prisoner meals in the Bella Centre (CC) cost £5.26 per day, while meals in the Lilias Centre (CCU) are slightly higher at £5.30. In comparison, patients within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are provided meals at a cost of £4.32. At HMP Inverness, prisoner meals are £4.05, whereas NHS Highland meals for patients cost £3.01. Meanwhile, meals at HMP Kilmarnock cost £4.71, compared to £3.69 for patients in NHS Ayrshire and Arran. (Freedom of information request HQ24179, Scottish Prison Service, 6 November 2024, available on request). 


Scotland is paying more to feed its prisoners compared to England and Wales. In 2023-24, the average cost per day for prisoners in Scotland is £4.27. However, it is reported that the average cost in England and Wales is £2.70 for three meals a day. (Freedom of information request HQ24179, Scottish Prison Service, 6 November 2024, available on request; Public Sector Catering, 25 August 2023, link).


With a food budget of almost £10.5 million, prisoners in Scotland can have three meals per day plus a dessert. The Scottish Prison Service’s food budget for 2023-24 is £10,474,444. The menu shows that prisoners can have things like roast turkey, chicken leg, steak and sausage pie, chocolate brownie with custard, and ice cream. (Freedom of information request HQ24179, Scottish Prison Service, 6 November 2024, available on request). 

Day costs and average of meals in NHS boards: 


Cost per day 

NHS Ayrshire & Arran 


NHS Borders 


NHS Dumfries & Galloway  


NHS Fife 


NHS Forth Valley 


NHS Grampian 


NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 


NHS Highland 


NHS Lanarkshire 


NHS Lothian 


NHS Orkney 


NHS Shetland 


NHS Tayside 


NHS Western Isles 




Day costs and average of meals in prisons in Scotland: 


Cost per day 

HMP Barlinnie 


Bella Centre (CCU) 


HMP Castle Huntly 


HMP Dumfries 


HMP Edinburgh 


HMP Glenochil 


HMP Grampian 


HMP Greenock 


HMP Inverness 


HMP Kilmarnock 


Lilias Centre (CCU) 


HMP Low Moss 


HMP Perth 


HMP & YOI Polmont 


HMP Shotts 


HMP Stirling 




NHS board vs prison: 

NHS board 


NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 

HMP Barlinnie 

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 

Bella Centre (CCU) 

NHS Tayside 

HMP Castle Huntly 

NHS Dumfries and Galloway 

HMP Dumfries 

NHS Lothian 

HMP Edinburgh 

NHS Forth Valley 

HMP Glenochil 

NHS Grampian 

HMP Grampian 

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 

HMP Greenock 

NHS Highland 

HMP Inverness 

NHS Ayrshire and Arran 

HMP Kilmarnock 

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 

Lilias Centre (CCU) 

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 

HMP Low Moss 

NHS Tayside 

HMP Perth 

NHS Forth Valley 

HMP & YOI Polmont 

NHS Lanarkshire 

HMP Shotts 

NHS Forth Valley 

HMP Stirling