The SNP are continuing to “scandalously neglect” the housing needs of those living in rural Scotland, the Scottish Conservatives can reveal today.
Information uncovered by the party’s shadow housing secretary Meghan Gallacher reveals only 17 homes have been identified under the SNP’s flagship rural affordable homes for key workers fund.
The fund worth £25 million was announced by the SNP in April 2023, with the Scottish Conservatives previously revealing that no homes had been identified under the scheme as of November last year.
Seven homes have been identified in both Highland and Orkney with two homes identified in Moray and a single one in North Ayrshire.
Shadow rural affairs secretary Tim Eagle says this is typical of the SNP’s “failure to focus on rural Scotland” and always “overpromising and then underdelivering.”
He added that the lack of homes in rural Scotland is “deeply damaging” for the local economy in those areas and called on SNP ministers to “urgently explain” why so few homes have been delivered since the fund was launched.
Scottish Conservative shadow rural affairs secretary Tim Eagle MSP said: “The SNP are continuing to scandalously neglect the housing needs of rural Scotland.
“They announced this scheme to much fanfare but progress on delivering homes has been painfully slow. For only 17 homes to be identified through a scheme worth £25 million beggars belief.
“It is yet another example of the SNP’s failure to focus on rural Scotland. Even when they try to, they overpromise and spectacularly underdeliver.
“Failing to deliver the homes rural Scotland needs is also deeply damaging for the local economy. It puts people off coming to live and work here.
“SNP ministers need to urgently explain why so few homes have been delivered through this fund that was launched over 18 months ago.”
Only 17 homes have been approved through the SNP’s Rural Affordable Homes for Key Workers Fund. Answered by Paul McLennan on 25 November, it was confirmed that 17 homes have been approved under the Rural Affordable Homes for Key Workers Fund. This included 7 in Highland, 7 in Orkney, 2 homes in Moray and 1 in North Ayrshire. (Question reference: S62-31233, 25 November 2024, link).
At the beginning of this year the SNP had failed to secure any homes through its Fund. The SNP Government has failed to secure any homes through its £25 million Rural Affordable Homes for Key Workers Fund. The SNP’s Rural Affordable Homes for Key Workers Fund, which they committed £25m to after announcing it in April 2023, had secured no homes at the beginning of 2024. (The Scotsman, 6 January 2024, link).
In May it was reported that only four homes had been found through the affordable homes scheme. In response to Miles Briggs’ written question, the Scottish Government admitted that only four homes had been identified for rural NHS staff and police officers. (Scottish Daily Express, 10 May 2024, link).